Democratic View

Democratic View: ‘Nothing short of miraculous’ – How treatment courts work

Many of the judicial duties assigned to me over the past nine-plus years have been rewarding. None have been as personally rewarding as presiding over our treatment courts. As a practicing attorney for 24 years, most of my criminal cases involved clients who suffered from a diagnosable disorder, most commonly substance use. My experience as a judge has been similar. […]

Democratic View: 县 Judge candidate offers commitment to justice and community, and brings experience, to that office

Judicial elections capture relatively little attention compared to other branches of government. 新 York State’s notoriously complicated court system can be confusing to the general public, and judicial candidates cannot take political positions or promise how they will rule. Yet this branch of government can have a profound impact on our personal lives and our communities. After over two decades […]

Democratic View: A Fair and Just System

What makes Tompkins 县 a leader in the administration of justice? It is the District Attorney’s responsibility to promote public safety. 公共安全 is more than punishment. 公共安全, 在我看来, means addressing the systemic issues that cause individuals to violate the law. There is no empirical evidence that crime rates are lower in communities with extreme “tough on […]

What Voters Know about Marc Molinaro

Candidate Riley says our local congressman isn’t fooling constituents with his “moderate” persona In our economy and our politics, the deck has been stacked against everyday people, and it’s been stacked in favor of special interests and the career politicians they pay. Special interests rake in record profits, which they stuff into the pockets of corrupt politicians who turn around […]

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