

A sign for flu shots in the entryway of an Ithaca pharmacy. 汉娜·费希特摄

每年, 在流感季节开始时, signs and flyers start appearing at local pharmacies and doctors’ offices advocating for individuals to get their flu vaccine. Receiving the vaccine is important for everyone but is especially important for the elderly population 65 years and older.

汤普金斯县健康中心, 流感, 也被称为流感, is an infection that spreads from person to person through coughing or sneezing. Everyone can get 流感, and it can affect different age groups more severely. That is why it is highly encouraged for everyone to get 流感 vaccine, 尤其是老年人口.

As we age, the immune system weakens, therefore making it harder to fight an infection. It is important that the elderly population get 流感 vaccine so that they’re protected and, 反过来, will have a better immune response if they do contract the virus.


“每年, 流感疫苗是另一种配方, and it protects against the most current strains of 流感, 哪一点每年都在变化,克拉克·曼德维尔说, a Senior Community 健康 Nurse at Tompkins 县 Whole 健康. “That’s why 流感 vaccine is recommended yearly because it changes formulation to combat the current strain.”

根据曼德维尔的说法, 那些接种流感疫苗的人, 尤其是老年人口, 还会不会感染流感病毒, 但如果流感疫苗在飞机上, they’re less likely to need emergency services or be admitted to a hospital and are more likely to be able to combat flu symptoms with over-the-counter remedies.

“The flu can mimic a lot of different cold viruses that we have, 但通常是流感, you’re going to have more symptoms than just the congestion and 头疼,曼德维尔说. “It’s usually accompanied with a fever and body aches and overall, 感觉不舒服, and it typically lasts a little bit longer than a common cold.”

The symptom most associated with 流感 is a fever. If you are feeling ill and have a fever, it may be 流感. It is important to protect yourself with 流感 vaccine, but it is also important to understand what is in the vaccine that you are receiving.

Those 65 years and older are recommended to receive a different formulation of 流感 vaccine than those 65 years and younger. 他们应该接种高剂量疫苗, which contains four times the antigens as a standard flu vaccine.

“Their immune systems need a little bit more of a boost,曼德维尔说. “因为它含有更多的抗原, sometimes the side effects are a little bit more potent than the normal or regular flu dose.”

根据曼德维尔的说法, 最普遍, 注射流感疫苗后, individuals can expect soreness or redness at the site of the injection. 接种疫苗后24至48小时, individuals can have other symptoms such as a low-grade fever, 头疼, 或疲劳.

“Most pharmacies offer 流感 vaccine,曼德维尔说. “They offer both formulations, the regular flu vaccine, and high dose flu vaccine.”

根据曼德维尔的说法, Tompkins 县 Whole 健康 offers on-site clinics on Fridays. These clinics are by appointment only, and both formulations of 流感 vaccine are offered. Most primary care physicians also carry both vaccines.

“如果他们不接种流感疫苗, they are more likely to have more severe complications if they acquire 流感 virus,曼德维尔说. “It could require hospitalization because their immune system is weaker than those in the younger population.”

还有注射流感疫苗, the elderly population can protect themselves from contracting 流感 virus by washing their hands and making sure they stay away from individuals who are ill when they go out in public.

While the high-dose flu vaccine is recommended for those 65 years and older, if they are unable for whatever reason to get the higher dose, getting the regular flu vaccine is still extremely helpful.

“In the situation where for some reason they are unable to get the high dose, 定期注射流感疫苗也是有益的,曼德维尔说. “We’d rather people get vaccinated than not vaccinated at all.”

On Tompkins 县 Whole 健康’s website, there is a 流感疫苗查找器 where you can put in your zip code what type of flu vaccine you wish to receive and are given a list of places where you can get 流感 vaccine nearby.


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