Tompkins Weekly


Incumbent Town of Dryden Supervisor Jason Leifer (D), left, 会在今年的大选中与共和党候选人汤姆·科里竞争吗.


Election day is Nov. 7. Polls will be open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.

By Kevin L. Smith

Jason Leifer

Leifer is looking to be reelected for a fifth term. 他担任镇监督员八年,自2008年以来一直是镇董事会成员.


莱弗补充说,Dryden Fiber是为了“提高(互联网服务)质量”。,,而铁路项目则是为了“提高城市生活质量”.”

莱弗说:“我们有很多不同的项目正在进行中. “The goal is to get them completed.”

If reelected, 莱弗希望延续该镇经济适用房委员会的进程和宗旨.

“我们正在努力弄清楚如何吸引更多的劳动力型住房, not [housing] directed at students,” Leifer added.


“开发商正在确保主要市场不是学生,”莱弗说. “很多在汤普金斯县工作的人不在这里上学. They want to live here, too.”

计划正在德莱顿市政厅后面创建一个娱乐区. 莱弗补充说,其余的土地也可以用于经济适用房. 莱弗希望,如果该镇能获得更多的就业机会,将在该地区产生“连锁反应”.

莱弗说:“我们正在努力解决该镇多年来一直在谈论的事情。. “Now, we’re in a position where we can do some of it.”

With the town “in good shape,” Leifer said that the success of projects like Dryden Fiber, 德莱顿铁路公司和其他公司让他作为主管的记录“不言自明”.”

莱弗说:“在我的任期内,这个城市的云顶yd222线路检测比其他任何任期都要多. “Financially, we’re strong. 我们有维护良好的道路,我们挺过了大流行. 我们总是愿意尝试新事物来解决突发的问题.”

Tom Corey

Corey, a longtime Dryden resident, 上世纪90年代,他曾在村里的董事会任职,是水/下水道和人力资源委员会的成员. 

他在2021年与现任汤普金斯县议员迈克·莱恩(D-LD-14)竞争,但以8票之差落败. 科里也是今年德莱顿村选举的市长候选人, but he fell short against incumbent Mike Murphy (D).

科里说,他竞选德莱顿镇镇长是为了“为德莱顿做出更好的选择”.他指出,他对这个城镇的前景感到“失望”, noting the Dryden Rail Trail and Dryden Fiber projects.

“I believe that local government is where the values, 人民的关切和期待是共同的,并付诸具体行动. 我的感觉是德莱顿镇政府已经迷失了方向, 它近年来做出的选择并没有反映其选民的需求和期望,” Corey said. “Bad choices result in the poor application of time, money and energy, which are all in limited supply.”

Corey called the incoming $3.2500万美元的人行天桥用于铁路线路,“从表面上看是不必要的和重复的”,“对环境不合适”.他补充说,德莱顿纤维公司正在使该镇与私营公司“直接竞争”, saying that doing so is “wasting our tax dollars.”

If elected, 科里希望小镇能更积极地促进艺术云顶yd222线路检测, theater and music, especially with the area as “a center of education.这是指汤普金斯科特兰社区学院, the Dryden Central School District and other local schools.


If Corey obtains the town supervisor seat, 他将开始一个项目,把一个多年龄段的娱乐中心带到镇上. 他补充说,多功能设施将包括一个冰场, indoor meeting and exercise rooms, indoor playing surface and, eventually, a pool.

“I have a proven record of service. I am committed to transparency in government. 我已准备好全职工作,不受偏袒地解决镇上所有居民的需求. I am not a member of a ruling clique or party. My obedience is to people and their concerns,” Corey said. “不要满足于现状,也不要厌倦过去与政府打交道的经历. It’s yours to use for the public good. Make it work for you.”

Dryden Dispatch appears every week in Tompkins Weekly. Send story ideas to

In brief:

Thrive Church’s Fall Carnival Fest is Sunday

Thrive Church第三届秋季狂欢节将于10月9日星期日举行. 29 from noon to 3 p.m. at 318 Johnson Rd. in the village of Freeville.

The free-of-charge family event will include a bounce house, a petting zoo, archery, a cupcake- and pie-eating contest, pumpkin smash, carnival games and more.

活动开始前将举行庆祝仪式,时间为上午10点15分至11点30分.m., with special kids’ activities included.

For information, visit

Dryden HS Garden Club’s Harvest Festival is Saturday

德莱顿高中花园俱乐部的丰收节将于10月9日星期六举行. 28 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the high school greenhouses at 118 Freeville Rd.

The free-of-charge festival will include baked goods, pumpkin carving, face painting, games and contests. 其他活动包括扔干草,给稻草人穿衣服和猜数字的罐子.


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